Class Description

An area defined for the purpose of tracking interchange with surrounding areas via tie points; may or may not serve as a control area.


Name Type Description
areaShortName String Market area short name, which is the regulation zone. It references AGC regulation zone name.
constantCoefficient Float Loss estimate constant coefficient
embeddedControlArea YesNo Used in conjunction with the InternalCA flag. If the InternalCA flag is YES, this flag does not apply. If the InternaCA flag is NO, this flag provides an indication of AdjacentCA (NO) or Embedded CA (YES).
internalCA YesNo A Yes/No indication that this control area is contained internal to the system.
linearCoefficient Float Loss estimate linear coefficient
localCA YesNo Indication that this control area is the local control area.
maxSelfSchedMW Float Maximum amount of self schedule MWs allowed for an embedded control area.
minSelfSchedMW Float Minimum amount of self schedule MW allowed for an embedded control area.
quadraticCoefficient Float Loss estimate quadratic coefficient


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
RegisteredResource 0..* SubControlArea 0..* RegisteredResource SubControlArea
LossClearingResults 1..* SubControlArea 0..1 LossClearingResults SubControlArea
ExPostLossResults 0..* SubControlArea 0..1 ExPostLossResults SubControlArea
AdjacentCASet 0..1 SubControlArea 0..* AdjacentCASet SubControlArea
AggregateNode 0..* SubControlArea 0..* AggregateNode SubControlArea
CnodeDistributionFactor 0..* SubControlArea 0..1 CnodeDistributionFactor SubControlArea
ControlAreaDesignation 0..* SubControlArea 0..* ControlAreaDesignation SubControlArea
Flowgate 0..* SubControlArea 0..1 From_Flowgate From_SubControlArea
Flowgate 0..* SubControlArea 0..1 To_Flowgate To_SubControlArea
HostControlArea 1 SubControlArea 0..* HostControlArea The interchange area may operate as a control area SubControlAreas The interchange area may operate as a control area
SubControlArea 1 EnergyTransaction 0..* Import_SubControlArea Energy is transferred between interchange areas Import_EnergyTransactions Energy is transferred between interchange areas
SubControlArea 1 EnergyTransaction 0..* Export_SubControlArea Energy is transferred between interchange areas Export_EnergyTransactions Energy is transferred between interchange areas
SubControlArea 0..1 GeneralClearingResults 0..* SubControlArea GeneralClearingResults
SubControlArea 0..1 BidSelfSched 0..* SubControlArea BidSelfSched
Pnode 0..* SubControlArea 0..1 Pnode SubControlArea
RTO 1 SubControlArea 0..* RTO SubControlArea
AreaReserveSpec 1 SubControlArea 0..* AreaReserveSpecification SubControlArea
DynamicSchedule 0..* SubControlArea 1 Send_DynamicSchedules A control area can send dynamic schedules to other control areas Send_SubControlArea A control area can send dynamic schedules to other control areas
DynamicSchedule 0..* SubControlArea 1 Receive_DynamicSchedules A control area can receive dynamic schedules from other control areas Receive_SubControlArea A control area can receive dynamic schedules from other control areas
InadvertentAccount 0..* SubControlArea 1 InadvertentAccount A control area can have one or more net inadvertent interchange accounts SubControlArea A control area can have one or more net inadvertent interchange accounts
TieLine 0..* SubControlArea 1 SideB_TieLines The SubControlArea is on the B side of a collection of metered points which define the SubControlArea’s boundary for a ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer. SideB_SubControlArea The SubControlArea is on the B side of a collection of metered points which define the SubControlArea’s boundary for a ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer.
TieLine 0..* SubControlArea 1 SideA_TieLines The SubControlArea is on the A side of a collection of metered points which define the SubControlArea’s boundary for a ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer. SideA_SubControlArea The SubControlArea is on the A side of a collection of metered points which define the SubControlArea’s boundary for a ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer.