Class Description

Specifies the schedule for energy transfers between interchange areas that are necessary to satisfy the associated interchange transaction.


Name Type Description
capacityBacked Boolean Interchange capacity flag. When the flag is set to true, it indicates a transaction is capacity backed.
congestChargeMax Money Maximum congestion charges in monetary units.
deliveryPointP ActivePower Delivery point active power.
energyMin ActivePower Transaction minimum active power if dispatchable.
firmInterchangeFlag Boolean Firm interchange flag indicates whether or not this energy transaction can be changed without potential financial consequences.
payCongestion Boolean Willing to Pay congestion flag
reason String Reason for energy transaction.
receiptPointP ActivePower Receipt point active power.
state EnergyTransactionType { Approve


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
EnergyProfile 1..* EnergyTransaction 1 EnergyProfiles An EnergyTransaction shall have at least one EnergyProfile. EnergyTransaction An EnergyTransaction shall have at least one EnergyProfile.
EnergyTransaction 0..* EnergyPriceCurve 0..* EnergyTransactions EnergyPriceCurves
EnergyTransaction 1..* EnergyProduct 1 EnergyTransactions The “Source” for an EnergyTransaction is an EnergyProduct which is injected into a ControlArea. Typically this is a ServicePoint. EnergyProduct The “Source” for an EnergyTransaction is an EnergyProduct which is injected into a ControlArea. Typically this is a ServicePoint.
EnergyTransaction 0..1 TieLine 0..* EnergyTransaction A dynamic energy transaction can act as a pseudo tie line. TieLines A dynamic energy transaction can act as a pseudo tie line.
TransmissionReservation 0..1 EnergyTransaction 0..1 TransmissionReservation EnergyTransaction
SubControlArea 1 EnergyTransaction 0..* Import_SubControlArea Energy is transferred between interchange areas Import_EnergyTransactions Energy is transferred between interchange areas
SubControlArea 1 EnergyTransaction 0..* Export_SubControlArea Energy is transferred between interchange areas Export_EnergyTransactions Energy is transferred between interchange areas
CurtailmentProfile 0..* EnergyTransaction 1 CurtailmentProfiles An EnergyTransaction may be curtailed by any of the participating entities. EnergyTransaction An EnergyTransaction may be curtailed by any of the participating entities.
LossProfile 0..* EnergyTransaction 1 LossProfiles An EnergyTransaction may have a LossProfile. EnergyTransaction An EnergyTransaction may have a LossProfile.