Class Description

Defines self schedule values to be used for specified time intervals.


Name Type Description
balancingFlag YesNo This is a Y/N flag for a self-schedule of a resource per market per date and hour, using a specific TR ID. It indicates whether a self-schedule using a TR is balanced with another self-schedule using the same TR ID.
bidType BidTypeRMR bidType has two types as the required output of requirements and qualified pre-dispatch.
priorityFlag YesNo This is a Y/N flag for a self-schedule of a resource per market per date and hour, using a specific TR ID. It indicates whether a self-schedule using a TR has scheduling priority in DAM/RTM.
pumpSelfSchedMw Float Contains the PriceTaker, ExistingTransmissionContract, TransmissionOwnershipRights pumping self schedule quantity. If this value is not null, then the unit is in pumping mode.
referenceType SelfSchedReferenceType Indication of which type of self schedule is being referenced.
selfSchedMw Float Self scheduled value
selfSchedSptResource String Price Taker Export Self Sched Support Resource
selfSchedType MarketProductSelfSchedType This attribute is used to specify if a bid includes a self sched bid. If so what self sched type is it. The possible values are shown as follow but not limited to:
‘ETC’ - Existing transmission contract
‘TOR’ - Transmission ownership right
‘RMR’ - Reliability must run
‘RGMR’ - Regulatory must run
“RMT” - Relaiability must take
“PT” - Price taker
“LPT” - Low price taker
“SP” - Self provision
“RA” - Resource adequacy
This attribute is originally defined in the BidSelfSched class
updateType MQSCHGType
wheelingTransactionReference String A unique identifier of a wheeling transaction. A wheeling transaction is a balanced Energy exchange among Supply and Demand Resources.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ProductBid 1 BidSelfSched 0..* ProductBid BidSelfSched
AdjacentCASet 0..1 BidSelfSched 0..* AdjacentCASet BidSelfSched
ContractRight 0..1 BidSelfSched 0..* TransmissionContractRight BidSelfSched
HostControlArea 0..1 BidSelfSched 0..* HostControlArea BidSelfSched
SubControlArea 0..1 BidSelfSched 0..* SubControlArea BidSelfSched