Class Description

A flowgate, is single or group of transmission elements intended to model MW flow impact relating to transmission limitations and transmission service usage.


Name Type Description
direction InterTieDirection The direction of the flowgate, export or import
exportMWRating ActivePower Export MW rating
importMWRating ActivePower Import MW rating


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
CongestionRevenueRight 0..1 Flowgate 0..1 CongestionRevenueRight Flowgate
MktTerminal 0..* Flowgate 0..1 MktTerminal Flowgate
GeneratingUnitDynamicValues 0..* Flowgate 0..1 GeneratingUnitDynamicValues Flowgate
GenericConstraints 0..1 Flowgate 0..* GenericConstraints Flowgate
Flowgate 0..* MktLine 0..* Flowgate MktLine
Flowgate 0..* MktPowerTransformer 0..* Flowgate MktPowerTransformer
Flowgate 0..1 TransmissionCapacity 0..* Flowgate TransmissionCapacity
Flowgate 0..1 TransmissionInterfaceRightEntitlement 0..* Flowgate TranmissionRightEntitlement
Flowgate 0..1 SecurityConstraints 0..1 Flowgate SecurityConstraints
Flowgate 1 ConstraintResults 1..* Flowgate ConstraintResults
Flowgate 0..1 ContractDistributionFactor 0..* Flowgate ContractDistributionFactor
Flowgate 1 FlowgateRelief 0..* Flowgate FlowgateRelief
Flowgate 1 FlowgateValue 0..* Flowgate FlowgateValue
Flowgate 0..1 SchedulingPoint 0..* Flowgate InterTie
Flowgate 0..* SubControlArea 0..1 From_Flowgate From_SubControlArea
Flowgate 0..* SubControlArea 0..1 To_Flowgate To_SubControlArea
Flowgate 1 RegisteredInterTie 0..* Flowgate RegisteredInterTie
Flowgate 0..1 FTR 0..* Flowgate FTRs
Flowgate 1 InterTieResults 1..* Flowgate InterTieResults
HostControlArea 0..1 Flowgate 0..* HostControlArea Flowgate
ViolationLimit 0..* Flowgate 0..1 ViolationLimits Flowgate