Class Description

Organisation receiving services from service supplier.


Name Type Description
kind CustomerKind Kind of customer.
locale String Locale designating language to use in communications with this customer.
priority Priority Priority of the customer.
pucNumber String (if applicable) Public utilities commission (PUC) identification number.
specialNeed String True if customer organisation has special service needs such as life support, hospitals, etc.
status Status Status of this customer.
vip Boolean (deprecated) (use ‘priority’ instead) True if this is an important customer. Importance is for matters different than those in ‘specialNeed’ attribute.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
PlannedOutageNotification 0..* Customer 0..* PlannedOutageNotification Customer
Customer 0..* OutagePlan 0..1 Customer The customers that are affected by this planned outage. OutagePlan The outage plan that identifies the customers that are affected.
Customer 0..* Work 0..* Customers All the customers for which this work is performed. Works All the works performed for this customer.
Customer Customer 0..* Customer Customer
Customer 1 CustomerAccount 0..* Customer Customer owning this account. CustomerAccounts All accounts of this customer.
Customer 1 CustomerAgreement 0..* Customer Customer for this agreement. CustomerAgreements All agreements of this customer.
Customer 0..1 EndDevice 0..* Customer Customer owning this end device. EndDevices All end devices of this customer.
Customer 0..1 OldPerson 0..* CustomerData ErpPersons
CustomerNotification 0..* Customer 0..1 CustomerNotifications All notifications required by this customer. Customer Customer requiring this notification.
TroubleTicket 0..* Customer 0..1 TroubleTickets All trouble tickets for this customer. Customer Customer for whom this trouble ticket is relevant.