Class Description

Assignment of a group of products and services purchased by the customer through a customer agreement, used as a mechanism for customer billing and payment. It contains common information from the various types of customer agreements to create billings (invoices) for a customer and receive payment.


Name Type Description
billingCycle String Cycle day on which the associated customer account will normally be billed, used to determine when to produce the billing.
budgetBill String Budget bill code.
lastBillAmount Money The last amount that will be billed to the customer prior to shut off of the account.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
Customer 1 CustomerAccount 0..* Customer Customer owning this account. CustomerAccounts All accounts of this customer.
CustomerAccount 1 AccountNotification 0..* CustomerAccount AccountNotification
CustomerAccount 1 CustomerAgreement 0..* CustomerAccount Customer account owning this agreement. CustomerAgreements All agreements for this customer account.
CustomerAccount 0..1 Transaction 0..* CustomerAccount Customer account for this payment transaction. PaymentTransactions All payment transactions for this customer account.
CustomerAccount 0..1 WorkBillingInfo 0..* CustomerAccount WorkBillingInfos
CustomerAccount 0..1 ErpInvoice 0..* CustomerAccount ErpInvoicees
CustomerBillingInfo 0..* CustomerAccount 0..1 CustomerBillingInfos CustomerAccount