Class Description

General purpose information for name and other information to contact people.


Name Type Description
status Status
type String Utility-specific classification for this person, according to the utility’s corporate standards and practices. Examples include employee, contractor, agent, not affiliated, etc.
Note that this field is not used to indicate whether this person is a customer of the utility. Often an employee or contractor is also a customer. Customer information is gained with relationship to Organisation and CustomerData. In similar fashion, this field does not indicate the various roles this person may fill as part of utility operations.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
Customer 0..1 OldPerson 0..* CustomerData ErpPersons
Craft 0..* OldPerson 0..* Crafts ErpPersons
OldPerson 0..1 MeasurementValue 0..* ErpPerson MeasurementValues
OldPerson 1 PersonOrganisationRole 0..* ErpPerson OrganisationRoles
OldPerson 1 PersonPropertyRole 0..* Person LandPropertyRoles
OldPerson 0..1 Skill 0..* ErpPerson Skills
OldPerson 0..* LaborItem 0..* ErpPersons LaborItems
OldPerson 0..* ErpCompetency 0..1 ErpPersons ErpCompetency
OldPerson 0..* ErpPersonnel 0..1 ErpPersons ErpPersonnel