Class Description
Name | Type | Description |
comment | String | Free-form comment associated with the trouble call for example, “customer reported a large flash”, etc. |
dateTimeOfReport | DateTime | Date and time the trouble has been reported. |
firstResponderStatus | String | Indicates whether the first responder such as police, fire department etc.has been notified and whether they are on site or en route. |
multiplePremises | Boolean | Set to true if the outage report indicated that other neighbors are also out of power. |
reportingKind | TroubleReportingKind | Indicates how the customer reported trouble. |
resolvedDateTime | DateTime | Date and time this trouble ticket has been resolved. |
troubleCode | String | Trouble code (e.g., power down, flickering lights, partial power, etc). |
Inherits from
Descendant classes
- No descendant classes
Leaf/Root class
IsLeaf | IsRoot |
False | False |
Source Class | Cardinality Source | Target Class | Cardinality Target | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
TroubleOrder | 0..1 | TroubleTicket | 0..* | TroubleOrder | TroubleTicket | ||
UnplannedOutage | 0..1 | TroubleTicket | 0..* | UnplannedOutage | TroubleTicket | ||
CustomerNotification | 0..* | TroubleTicket | 0..* | Notification | Notification for this trouble ticket. | TroubleTickets | All trouble tickets with this notification. |
ServiceLocation | 1 | TroubleTicket | 0..* | ServiceLocation | TroubleTicket | ||
TroubleTicket | 0..* | Incident | 0..1 | TroubleTickets | All trouble tickets reporting this incident. | Incident | Incident reported in this trouble ticket |
TroubleTicket | 0..* | Customer | 0..1 | TroubleTickets | All trouble tickets for this customer. | Customer | Customer for whom this trouble ticket is relevant. |
TroubleTicket | 0..1 | IncidentHazard | 0..* | TroubleTicket | Trouble ticket associated with this hazard. | IncidentHazard | All hazards reported with this trouble ticket. |