Class Description



Name Type Description
comment String Free-form comment associated with the trouble call for example, “customer reported a large flash”, etc.
dateTimeOfReport DateTime Date and time the trouble has been reported.
firstResponderStatus String Indicates whether the first responder such as police, fire department etc.has been notified and whether they are on site or en route.
multiplePremises Boolean Set to true if the outage report indicated that other neighbors are also out of power.
reportingKind TroubleReportingKind Indicates how the customer reported trouble.
resolvedDateTime DateTime Date and time this trouble ticket has been resolved.
troubleCode String Trouble code (e.g., power down, flickering lights, partial power, etc).


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
TroubleOrder 0..1 TroubleTicket 0..* TroubleOrder TroubleTicket
UnplannedOutage 0..1 TroubleTicket 0..* UnplannedOutage TroubleTicket
CustomerNotification 0..* TroubleTicket 0..* Notification Notification for this trouble ticket. TroubleTickets All trouble tickets with this notification.
ServiceLocation 1 TroubleTicket 0..* ServiceLocation TroubleTicket
TroubleTicket 0..* Incident 0..1 TroubleTickets All trouble tickets reporting this incident. Incident Incident reported in this trouble ticket
TroubleTicket 0..* Customer 0..1 TroubleTickets All trouble tickets for this customer. Customer Customer for whom this trouble ticket is relevant.
TroubleTicket 0..1 IncidentHazard 0..* TroubleTicket Trouble ticket associated with this hazard. IncidentHazard All hazards reported with this trouble ticket.