Class Description

Asset container that performs one or more end device functions. One type of end device is a meter which can perform metering, load management, connect/disconnect, accounting functions, etc. Some end devices, such as ones monitoring and controlling air conditioners, refrigerators, pool pumps may be connected to a meter. All end devices may have communication capability defined by the associated communication function(s). An end device may be owned by a consumer, a service provider, utility or otherwise.
There may be a related end device function that identifies a sensor or control point within a metering application or communications systems (e.g., water, gas, electricity).
Some devices may use an optical port that conforms to the ANSI C12.18 standard for communications.


Name Type Description
amrSystem String Automated meter reading (AMR) or other communication system responsible for communications to this end device.
installCode String Installation code.
isPan Boolean If true, this is a premises area network (PAN) device.
isSmartInverter Boolean
isVirtual Boolean If true, there is no physical device. As an example, a virtual meter can be defined to aggregate the consumption for two or more physical meters. Otherwise, this is a physical hardware device.
timeZoneOffset Minutes Time zone offset relative to GMT for the location of this end device.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
Customer 0..1 EndDevice 0..* Customer Customer owning this end device. EndDevices All end devices of this customer.
ServiceLocation 0..1 EndDevice 0..* ServiceLocation Service location whose service delivery is measured by this end device. EndDevices All end devices that measure the service delivered to this service location.
EndDevice 0..1 DispatchablePowerCapability 0..* EndDevice The generic class to support all field end devices such as meters or smart inverters DispatchablePowerCapability
EndDevice 0..1 EndDeviceFunction 0..* EndDevice End device that performs this function. EndDeviceFunctions All end device functions this end device performs.
EndDevice 0..* EndDeviceInfo 0..1 EndDevices All end devices described with this data. EndDeviceInfo End device data.
EndDeviceControl 0..* EndDevice 0..* EndDeviceControls All end device controls sending commands to this end device. EndDevices All end devices receiving commands from this end device control.
EndDeviceEvent 0..* EndDevice 0..1 EndDeviceEvents All events reported by this end device. EndDevice End device that reported this end device event.
EndDeviceGroup 0..* EndDevice 0..* EndDeviceGroups All end device groups referring to this end device. EndDevices All end devices this end device group refers to.
UsagePoint 0..1 EndDevice 0..* UsagePoint Usage point to which this end device belongs. EndDevices All end devices at this usage point.