Class Description

Tangible resource of the utility, including power system equipment, various end devices, cabinets, buildings, etc. For electrical network equipment, the role of the asset is defined through PowerSystemResource and its subclasses, defined mainly in the Wires model (refer to IEC61970-301 and model package IEC61970::Wires). Asset description places emphasis on the physical characteristics of the equipment fulfilling that role.


Name Type Description
acceptanceTest AcceptanceTest Information on acceptance test.
baselineCondition String Condition of asset at last baseline. Examples include new, rebuilt, overhaul required, other. Refer to inspection data for information on the most current condition of the asset.
baselineLossOfLife PerCent Percentage of initial life expectancy that has been lost as of the last life expectancy baseline. Represents
(initial life expectancy - current life expectancy) / initial life expectancy.
critical Boolean True if asset is considered critical for some reason (for example, a pole with critical attachments).
electronicAddress ElectronicAddress Electronic address.
inUseDate InUseDate In use dates for this asset.
inUseState InUseStateKind Indication of whether asset is currently deployed (in use), ready to be put into use or not available for use.
kind AssetKind Kind of asset. Used in description of asset components in asset instance templates.
lifecycleDate LifecycleDate
Lifecycle dates for this asset.
lifecycleState AssetLifecycleStateKind Current lifecycle state of asset.
lotNumber String Lot number for this asset. Even for the same model and version number, many assets are manufactured in lots.
position String Position of asset or asset component. May often be in relation to other assets or components.
purchasePrice Money Purchase price of asset.
retiredReason RetiredReasonKind Reason asset retired.
serialNumber String Serial number of this asset.
status Status Status of this asset.
type String Utility-specific classification of Asset and its subtypes, according to their corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.).
utcNumber String Uniquely tracked commodity (UTC) number.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
Ownership 0..* Asset 0..1 Ownerships All ownerships of this asset. Asset Asset that is object of this ownership.
ScheduledEvent 0..* Asset 0..* ScheduledEvents Scheduled event related to this asset. Assets
OperationalTag 0..* Asset 0..1 OperationalTags All operational tags placed on this asset. Asset Asset on which this tag has been placed.
Analytic 0..* Asset 0..* Analytic Analytic performed on this asset. Asset Asset on which this analytic can be performed.
AnalyticScore 0..* Asset 0..1 AnalyticScore Analytic result related to this asset. Asset Asset to which this analytic score applies.
Asset 0..* PowerSystemResource 0..* Assets All assets represented by this power system resource. For example, multiple conductor assets are electrically modelled as a single AC line segment. PowerSystemResources All power system resources used to electrically model this asset. For example, transformer asset is electrically modelled with a transformer and its windings and tap changer.
Asset 0..1 Measurement 0..* Asset Measurements Measurement related to this asset.
Asset 0..* ActivityRecord 0..* Assets All assets for which this activity record has been created. ActivityRecords All activity records created for this asset.
Asset 0..1 ConfigurationEvent 0..* ChangedAsset Asset whose change resulted in this configuration event. ConfigurationEvents All configuration events created for this asset.
Asset 0..* Location 0..1 Assets All assets at this location. Location Location of this asset.
Asset 0..* AssetContainer 0..1 Assets All assets within this container asset. AssetContainer Container of this asset.
Asset 0..1 AssetFunction 0..* Asset AssetFunction
Asset 0..1 AssetDeployment 0..1 Asset Asset in this deployment. AssetDeployment This asset’s deployment.
Asset 0..* AssetInfo 0..1 Assets All assets described by this data. AssetInfo Data applicable to this asset.
Asset 0..* AssetOrganisationRole 0..* Assets All assets for this organisation role. OrganisationRoles All roles an organisation plays for this asset.
Asset 0..* ProductAssetModel 0..1 Asset An asset of this model. ProductAssetModel The model of this asset.
Asset 0..* AssetPropertyCurve 0..* Assets AssetPropertyCurves
Asset 0..1 Reconditioning 0..* Asset Reconditionings
Asset 0..1 ErpInventory 0..1 Asset ErpInventory
Asset 0..* ErpRecDelvLineItem 0..* Assets ErpRecDeliveryItems
AssetGroup 0..* Asset 0..* AssetGroup Asset group of which this asset is a part. Asset Asset which is a part of this asset group.
FinancialInfo 0..1 Asset 0..1 FinancialInfo Financial information related to this asset. Asset The asset to which this financial information relates.
Procedure 0..* Asset 0..* Procedures All procedures applicable to this asset. Assets All assets to which this procedure applies.
ProcedureDataSet 0..* Asset 0..1 ProcedureDataSet Procedure data set that applies to this asset. Asset Asset to which this procedure data set applies.
Medium 0..* Asset 0..* Medium Medium with which this asset is filled. Asset Medium with which this asset is filled.
SwitchOperationSummary 0..1 Asset 1 BreakerOperation Breaker operation information for this breaker. Breaker Breaker asset to which this operation information applies.
WorkTask 0..* Asset 0..* ReplacementWorkTasks All work tasks on replacement of this old asset. OldAsset Old asset replaced by this work task.
WorkTask 0..* Asset 0..* WorkTasks All non-replacement work tasks performed on this asset. Assets All assets on which this non-replacement work task is performed.
ReliabilityInfo 0..* Asset 0..* ReliabilityInfos Assets
ErpItemMaster 0..1 Asset 0..1 ErpItemMaster Asset