Class Description

Used to report details on creation, change or deletion of an entity or its configuration.


Name Type Description
effectiveDateTime DateTime Date and time this event has or will become effective.
modifiedBy String Source/initiator of modification.
remark String Free text remarks.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
PowerSystemResource 0..1 ConfigurationEvent 0..* PowerSystemResource ConfigurationEvent
ConfigurationEvent 0..* FaultCauseType 1 ConfigurationEvent FaultCauseType
Document 0..1 ConfigurationEvent 0..* ChangedDocument Document whose change resulted in this configuration event. ConfigurationEvents All configuration events created for this document.
Location 0..1 ConfigurationEvent 0..* ChangedLocation Location whose change resulted in this configuration event. ConfigurationEvents All configuration events created for this location.
OrganisationRole 0..1 ConfigurationEvent 0..* ChangedOrganisationRole Organisation role whose change resulted in this configuration event. ConfigurationEvents All configuration events created for this organisation role.
PersonRole 0..1 ConfigurationEvent 0..* ChangedPersonRole Person role whose change resulted in this configuration event. ConfigurationEvents All configuration events created for this person role.
Asset 0..1 ConfigurationEvent 0..* ChangedAsset Asset whose change resulted in this configuration event. ConfigurationEvents All configuration events created for this asset.
ServiceCategory 0..1 ConfigurationEvent 0..* ChangedServiceCategory Service category whose change resulted in this configuration event. ConfigurationEvents All configuration events created for this service category.
UsagePoint 0..1 ConfigurationEvent 0..* ChangedUsagePoint Usage point whose change resulted in this configuration event. ConfigurationEvents All configuration events created for this usage point.