Class Description

Dates for asset lifecycle state changes. May have multiple lifecycle dates for this device and a compound type allows a query to return multiple dates.


Name Type Description
installationDate Date Date current installation was completed, which may not be the same as the in-service date. Asset may have been installed at other locations previously. Ignored if asset is (1) not currently installed (e.g., stored in a depot) or (2) not intended to be installed (e.g., vehicle, tool).
manufacturedDate Date Date the asset was manufactured.
purchaseDate Date Date the asset was purchased. Note that even though an asset may have been purchased, it may not have been received into inventory at the time of purchase.
receivedDate Date Date the asset was received and first placed into inventory.
removalDate Date Date when the asset was last removed from service. Ignored if (1) not intended to be in service, or (2) currently in service.
retiredDate Date Date the asset is permanently retired from service and may be scheduled for disposal. Ignored if asset is (1) currently in service, or (2) permanently removed from service.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

