Class Description

A task within a set of work.


Name Type Description
completedDateTime DateTime Date and time work task was completed.
contractorCost Money Total contractor costs associated with the work task.
crewETA DateTime Estimated time of arrival, so that customer or police/fire department can be informed when the crew will arrive.
estimatedCompletionTime DateTime Time and Date when the work task will be completed.
instruction String Instructions for performing this task.
laborCost Money Total labor costs associated with the work task.
laborHours Hours Hours of labor expended under work task.
materiallCost Money Total material costs associated with the work task.
schedOverride String If specified, override schedule and perform this task in accordance with instructions specified here.
startedDateTime DateTime Date and time work task was started.
taskKind WorkTaskKind Kind of work.
toolCost Money Total tool costs associated with the work task.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
SwitchingPlan 0..1 WorkTask 0..* SwitchingPlan Switching plan executed by this work task. WorkTasks All work tasks to execute this switching plan.
ProcedureDataSet 0..* WorkTask 0..1 ProcedureDataSet Procedure data set associated with this work task. WorkTask Work task that created this procedure data set.
Work 1 WorkTask 0..* Work Work this task belongs to. WorkTasks All tasks in this work.
WorkTask 0..* Crew 0..* WorkTasks All work tasks this crew participates in. Crews All crews participating in this work task.
WorkTask 0..* TroubleOrder 0..1 WorkTask TroubleOrder
WorkTask 0..* Asset 0..* ReplacementWorkTasks All work tasks on replacement of this old asset. OldAsset Old asset replaced by this work task.
WorkTask 0..* Asset 0..* WorkTasks All non-replacement work tasks performed on this asset. Assets All assets on which this non-replacement work task is performed.
WorkTask 0..1 MaterialItem 0..* WorkTask MaterialItems