Class Description

Asset model by a specific manufacturer.


Name Type Description
modelNumber String Manufacturer’s model number.
modelVersion String Version number for product model, which indicates vintage of the product.
overallLength Length Overall length of this asset model.
styleNumber String Style number of asset model.
usageKind AssetModelUsageKind Intended usage for this asset model.
weightTotal Mass Total manufactured weight of asset.
catalogueNumber String Catalogue number for asset model.
corporateStandardKind CorporateStandardKind Kind of corporate standard for this asset model.
drawingNumber String Drawing number for asset model.
instructionManual String Reference manual or instruction book for this asset model.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
OperationalRestriction 0..* ProductAssetModel 0..1 OperationalRestrictions All operational restrictions applying to this asset model. ProductAssetModel Asset model to which this restriction applies.
Asset 0..* ProductAssetModel 0..1 Asset An asset of this model. ProductAssetModel The model of this asset.
ProductAssetModel 0..1 AssetInfo 0..1 ProductAssetModel Product asset model which conforms to this catalog asset type. AssetInfo Asset information (nameplate) for this product asset model.
ProductAssetModel 0..* Manufacturer 0..1 ProductAssetModels All asset models by this manufacturer. Manufacturer Manufacturer of this asset model.
ProductAssetModel 0..* CatalogAssetType 0..1 ProductAssetModel Product asset model conforming to this catalog asset type. CatalogAssetType Catalog asset type to which this product asset model conforms.
ProductAssetModel 0..1 AssetModelCatalogueItem 0..* AssetModel AssetModelCatalogueItems