Class Description

Offer to supply energy/ancillary services from a generating unit or resource.


Name Type Description
combinedCycleUnitOffer String Will indicate if the unit is part of a CC offer or not
downTimeMax Float Maximum down time.
installedCapacity Float Installed Capacity value
lowerRampRate ActivePowerChangeRate Maximum Dn ramp rate in MW/min
maxEmergencyMW ActivePower Power rating available for unit under emergency conditions greater than or equal to maximum economic limit.
maximumEconomicMW Float Maximum high economic MW limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating MW limit
minEmergencyMW ActivePower Minimum power rating for unit under emergency conditions, which is less than or equal to the economic minimum.
minimumEconomicMW Float Low economic MW limit that shall be greater than or equal to the minimum operating MW limit
noLoadCost Float Resource fixed no load cost.
notificationTime Float Time required for crew notification prior to start up of the unit.
operatingMode String Bid operating mode (‘C’ - cycling, ‘F’ - fixed, ‘M’ - must run, ‘U’ - unavailable)
raiseRampRate ActivePowerChangeRate Maximum Up ramp rate in MW/min
rampCurveType Integer Ramp curve type:
0 - Fixed ramp rate independent of rate function unit MW output
1 - Static ramp rates as a function of unit MW output only
2 - Dynamic ramp rates as a function of unit MW output and ramping time
startupCost Float Startup cost/price
startUpRampRate ActivePowerChangeRate Resource startup ramp rate (MW/minute)
startUpType Integer Resource startup type:
1 - Fixed startup time and fixed startup cost
2 - Startup time as a function of down time and fixed startup cost
3 - Startup cost as a function of down time
upTimeMax Float Maximum up time.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
GeneratingBid 0..1 SecurityConstraints 0..* GeneratingBid SecurityConstraints
GeneratingBid 1..* BidSet 0..1 GeneratingBids BidSet
GeneratingBid 0..* NotificationTimeCurve 0..1 GeneratingBids NotificationTimeCurve
GeneratingBid 0..1 RampRateCurve 0..* GeneratingBid RampRateCurve
StartUpCostCurve 0..1 GeneratingBid 0..* StartUpCostCurve GeneratingBid
StartUpTimeCurve 0..1 GeneratingBid 0..* StartUpTimeCurve GeneratingBid
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 GeneratingBid 0..* RegisteredGenerator GeneratingBids