Class Description
Offer to supply energy/ancillary services from a generating unit or resource.
Name | Type | Description |
combinedCycleUnitOffer | String | Will indicate if the unit is part of a CC offer or not |
downTimeMax | Float | Maximum down time. |
installedCapacity | Float | Installed Capacity value |
lowerRampRate | ActivePowerChangeRate | Maximum Dn ramp rate in MW/min |
maxEmergencyMW | ActivePower | Power rating available for unit under emergency conditions greater than or equal to maximum economic limit. |
maximumEconomicMW | Float | Maximum high economic MW limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating MW limit |
minEmergencyMW | ActivePower | Minimum power rating for unit under emergency conditions, which is less than or equal to the economic minimum. |
minimumEconomicMW | Float | Low economic MW limit that shall be greater than or equal to the minimum operating MW limit |
noLoadCost | Float | Resource fixed no load cost. |
notificationTime | Float | Time required for crew notification prior to start up of the unit. |
operatingMode | String | Bid operating mode (‘C’ - cycling, ‘F’ - fixed, ‘M’ - must run, ‘U’ - unavailable) |
raiseRampRate | ActivePowerChangeRate | Maximum Up ramp rate in MW/min |
rampCurveType | Integer | Ramp curve type: |
0 - Fixed ramp rate independent of rate function unit MW output | ||
1 - Static ramp rates as a function of unit MW output only | ||
2 - Dynamic ramp rates as a function of unit MW output and ramping time | ||
startupCost | Float | Startup cost/price |
startUpRampRate | ActivePowerChangeRate | Resource startup ramp rate (MW/minute) |
startUpType | Integer | Resource startup type: |
1 - Fixed startup time and fixed startup cost | ||
2 - Startup time as a function of down time and fixed startup cost | ||
3 - Startup cost as a function of down time | ||
upTimeMax | Float | Maximum up time. |
Inherits from
Descendant classes
- No descendant classes
Leaf/Root class
IsLeaf | IsRoot |
False | False |
Source Class | Cardinality Source | Target Class | Cardinality Target | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
GeneratingBid | 0..1 | SecurityConstraints | 0..* | GeneratingBid | SecurityConstraints | ||
GeneratingBid | 1..* | BidSet | 0..1 | GeneratingBids | BidSet | ||
GeneratingBid | 0..* | NotificationTimeCurve | 0..1 | GeneratingBids | NotificationTimeCurve | ||
GeneratingBid | 0..1 | RampRateCurve | 0..* | GeneratingBid | RampRateCurve | ||
StartUpCostCurve | 0..1 | GeneratingBid | 0..* | StartUpCostCurve | GeneratingBid | ||
StartUpTimeCurve | 0..1 | GeneratingBid | 0..* | StartUpTimeCurve | GeneratingBid | ||
RegisteredGenerator | 0..1 | GeneratingBid | 0..* | RegisteredGenerator | GeneratingBids |