Class Description

Model of a generator that is registered to participate in the market.


Name Type Description
capacityFactor PerCent The ratio of actual energy produced by resource divided by the maximum potential energy if the resource is fully utilized. As an example, wind farms.
coldStartTime Float Cold start time.
combinedCycleOperatingMode String Combined Cycle operating mode.
commericialOperationDate DateTime
constrainedOutputFlag YesNo Constrained Output Generator (COG) Indicator (Yes/No), per Generating Resource
energyDownRampRate ActivePowerChangeRate Response rate in MW per minute for ramping energy down.
energyUpRampRate ActivePowerChangeRate Response rate in MW per minute for ramping energy up.
extremeLongStart YesNo Some long-start up time units may need to receive start up instruction before DA market results are available. Long-Start resources may be either physical resources within the control with start-up times greater than 18 hours or the long-start contractual inter-tie commitment that shall be completed by 6 am one-day ahead. Therefore, there is a need for a process to determine the commitment of such resources before the DA market.
fuelSource FuelSource Values: Natural Gas Based Resource, Non Natural Gas Based Resource
“NG” - Natural-Gas-Based Resource - a Resource that is powered by Natural Gas
“NNG” - Non-Natural-Gas-Based Resource - a Resouce that is powered by some other fuel than Natural Gas
highControlLimit ActivePower High limit for secondary (AGC) control
hotIntTime Float Hot-to-intermediate time (Seasonal)
hotStartTime Float Hot start time.
intColdTime Float Intermediate-to-cold time (Seasonal)
intStartTime Float Intermediate start time.
loadFollowingDownMSS YesNo Certifies resources for use in MSS Load Following Down
loadFollowingUpMSS YesNo Certifies resources for use in MSS Load Following Up
lowControlLImit ActivePower Low limit for secondary (AGC) control
maxDependableCap ActivePower Maximum Dependable Capacity (MNDC). Maximun Net Dependable Capacity is used in association with an RMR contract.
maximumAllowableSpinningReserve ActivePower Maximum allowable spinning reserve. Spinning reserve will never be considered greater than this value regardless of the current operating point.
maximumOperatingLimit ActivePower This is the maximum operating MW limit the dispatcher can enter for this unit
maxMinLoadCost CostRate The registered maximum Minimum Load Cost of a Generating Resource registered with a Cost Basis of “Bid Cost”.
maxPumpingLevel ActivePower max pumping level of a hydro pump unit
maxShutdownTime DateTime Maximum time this device can be shut down.
maxStartUpsPerDay Integer maximum start ups per day
maxWeeklyEnergy Float Maximum weekly Energy (Seasonal)
maxWeeklyStarts Integer Maximum weekly starts (seasonal parameter)
minimumLoadCostBasis CostBasis The cost basis for minimum load.
minimumLoadFuelCost CostPerHeatUnit The cost for the fuel required to get a Generating Resource to operate at the minimum load level
minimumOperatingLimit ActivePower This is the minimum operating MW limit the dispatcher can enter for this unit.
minLoadCost CostRate minimum load cost. Value is (currency/hr)
mustOfferRA YesNo Flag to indicate that this unit is a resource adequacy resource and must offer.
nameplateCapacity ActivePower MW value stated on the nameplate of the Generator – the value it potentially could provide.
operatingMaintenanceCost CostPerEnergyUnit The portion of the Operating Cost of a Generating Resource that is not related to fuel cost.
pumpingCost CostRate
pumpingFactor Float Pumping factor for pump storage units, conversion factor between generating and pumping.
pumpMinDownTime Float The minimum down time for the pump in a pump storage unit.
pumpMinUpTime Float The minimum up time aspect for the pump in a pump storage unit
pumpShutdownCost Float The cost to shutdown a pump during the pump aspect of a pump storage unit.
pumpShutdownTime Integer The shutdown time (minutes) of the pump aspect of a pump storage unit.
quickStartFlag YesNo Quick start flag (Yes/No). Identifies the registered generator as a quick start unit. A quick start unit is a unit that has the ability to be available for load within a 30 minute period.
rampCurveType RampCurveType Ramp curve type. Identifies the type of curve which may be a fixed, static or dynamic.
regulationDownRampRate ActivePowerChangeRate Regulation down response rate in MW per minute
regulationFlag UnitRegulationKind Specifies if the unit is regulating or not regulating or expected to be regulating but is not.
regulationUpRampRate ActivePowerChangeRate Regulation up response rate in MW per minute.
resourceSubType String Unit sub type used by Settlements or scheduling application. Application use of the unit sub type may define the necessary types as applicable.
riverSystem String River System the Resource is tied to.
RMNRFlag YesNo Reliability must not run (RMNR) flag: indicated whether the RMR unit is set as an RMNR in the current market
RMRFlag FlagTypeRMR Reliability must run (RMR) flag: indicates whether the unit is RMR; Indicates whether the unit is RMR:
N' - not an RMR unit
‘1’ - RMR Condition 1 unit
‘2’ - RMR Condition 2 unit
RMRManualIndicator YesNo Indicates the RMR Manual pre-determination status [Y/N]
RMTFlag YesNo Reliability must take (RMT) flag (Yes/No): indicates whether the unit is RMT
spinRampRate ActivePowerChangeRate Response rate in MW per minute for spinning reserve.
startUpCostBasis CostBasis The cost basis for start up.
syncCondCapable YesNo Is the Resource Synchronous Condenser capable Resource?
unitType UnitType Generating unit type: Combined Cycle, Gas Turbine, Hydro Turbine, Other, Photovoltaic, Hydro Pump-Turbine, Reciprocating Engine, Steam Turbine, Synchronous Condenser, Wind Turbine
useLimitFlag YesNo Use limit flag: indicates if the use-limited resource is fully scheduled (or has some slack for real-time dispatch) (Y/N)
variableEnergyResource YesNo Provides an indication that this resource is intending to participate in an intermittent resource program.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
EnergyPriceIndex 1 RegisteredGenerator 1 EnergyPriceIndex RegisteredGenerator
UnitInitialConditions 0..* RegisteredGenerator 0..1 UnitInitialConditions GeneratingUnit
AuxiliaryObject 0..* RegisteredGenerator 0..1 AuxillaryObject RegisteredGenerator
StartUpCostCurve 0..* RegisteredGenerator 0..* StartUpCostCurves RegisteredGenerators
FuelCostCurve 0..1 RegisteredGenerator 0..1 FuelCostCurve RegisteredGenerator
FuelRegion 0..1 RegisteredGenerator 0..* FuelRegion RegisteredGenerator
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 GeneratingBid 0..* RegisteredGenerator GeneratingBids
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 StartUpTimeCurve 0..1 RegisteredGenerator StartUpTimeCurve
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 Trade 0..* RegisteredGenerator Trade
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 StartUpEnergyCurve 0..1 RegisteredGenerator StartUpEnergyCurve
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 StartUpFuelCurve 0..1 RegisteredGenerator StartUpFuelCurve
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 MktHeatRateCurve 0..1 RegisteredGenerator MktHeatRateCurve
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 RMRHeatRateCurve 0..1 RegisteredGenerator RMRHeatRateCurve
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 RMRStartUpCostCurve 0..1 RegisteredGenerator RMRStartUpCostCurve
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 RMRStartUpEnergyCurve 0..1 RegisteredGenerator RMRStartUpEnergyCurve
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 RMRStartUpFuelCurve 0..1 RegisteredGenerator RMRStartUpFuelCurve
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 RMRStartUpTimeCurve 0..1 RegisteredGenerator RMRStartUpTimeCurve
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 RegulatingLimit 0..1 RegisteredGenerator RegulatingLimit
LocalReliabilityArea 0..1 RegisteredGenerator 0..* LocalReliabilityArea RegisteredGenerator