Class Description
Energy bid for generation, load, or virtual type for the whole of the market-trading period (i.e., one day in day ahead market or one hour in the real time market).
Name | Type | Description |
aggregationFlag | Integer | Aggregation flag |
0: individual resource level | ||
1: Aggregated node location | ||
2: Aggregated price location) | ||
bidStatus | String | |
commodityType | String | Energy product (commodity) type: |
‘En’ - Energy | ||
‘Ru’ - Regulation Up | ||
‘Rd’ - Regulation Dn | ||
‘Sr’ - Spinning Reserve | ||
‘Nr’ - Non-Spinning Reserve | ||
‘Or’ - Operating Reserve | ||
contingencyAvailFlag | YesNo | contingent operating reserve availiability (Yes/No). Resource is availiable to participate with capacity only in contingency dispatch. |
createdISO | YesNo | A Yes indicates that this bid was created by the ISO. |
energyMaxDay | Float | Maximum amount of energy per day which can be produced during the trading period in MWh |
energyMinDay | Float | Minimum amount of energy per day which has to be produced during the trading period in MWh |
marketSepFlag | String | Market Separation Flag |
‘Y’ - Enforce market separation constraints for this bid | ||
‘N’ - Don’t enforce market separation constraints for this bid. | ||
minDispatchTime | Integer | minimum number of consecutive hours a resource shall be dispatched if bid is accepted |
resourceLoadingType | Integer | Resource loading curve type |
1 - step-wise continuous loading | ||
2 - piece-wise linear continuous loading | ||
3 - block loading | ||
shutDownsMaxDay | Integer | Maximum number of shutdowns per day. |
shutDownsMaxWeek | Integer | Maximum number of shutdowns per week. |
startUpsMaxDay | Integer | Maximum number of startups per day. |
startUpsMaxWeek | Integer | Maximum number of startups per week. |
virtual | Boolean | True if bid is virtual. Bid is assumed to be non-virtual if attribute is absent |
Inherits from
Descendant classes
Leaf/Root class
IsLeaf | IsRoot |
False | False |
Source Class | Cardinality Source | Target Class | Cardinality Target | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
ResourceBid | 0..* | BidError | 0..* | ResourceBid | BidError |