Class Description

Energy bid for generation, load, or virtual type for the whole of the market-trading period (i.e., one day in day ahead market or one hour in the real time market).


Name Type Description
aggregationFlag Integer Aggregation flag
0: individual resource level
1: Aggregated node location
2: Aggregated price location)
bidStatus String
commodityType String Energy product (commodity) type:
‘En’ - Energy
‘Ru’ - Regulation Up
‘Rd’ - Regulation Dn
‘Sr’ - Spinning Reserve
‘Nr’ - Non-Spinning Reserve
‘Or’ - Operating Reserve
contingencyAvailFlag YesNo contingent operating reserve availiability (Yes/No). Resource is availiable to participate with capacity only in contingency dispatch.
createdISO YesNo A Yes indicates that this bid was created by the ISO.
energyMaxDay Float Maximum amount of energy per day which can be produced during the trading period in MWh
energyMinDay Float Minimum amount of energy per day which has to be produced during the trading period in MWh
marketSepFlag String Market Separation Flag
‘Y’ - Enforce market separation constraints for this bid
‘N’ - Don’t enforce market separation constraints for this bid.
minDispatchTime Integer minimum number of consecutive hours a resource shall be dispatched if bid is accepted
resourceLoadingType Integer Resource loading curve type
1 - step-wise continuous loading
2 - piece-wise linear continuous loading
3 - block loading
shutDownsMaxDay Integer Maximum number of shutdowns per day.
shutDownsMaxWeek Integer Maximum number of shutdowns per week.
startUpsMaxDay Integer Maximum number of startups per day.
startUpsMaxWeek Integer Maximum number of startups per week.
virtual Boolean True if bid is virtual. Bid is assumed to be non-virtual if attribute is absent


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ResourceBid 0..* BidError 0..* ResourceBid BidError