Class Description

Ramp rate as a function of resource MW output.


Name Type Description
condition RampRateCondition condition for the ramp rate
constraintRampType ConstraintRampType The condition that identifies whether a Generating Resource should be constrained from Ancillary Service provision if its Schedule or Dispatch change across Trading Hours or Trading Intervals requires more than a specified fraction of the duration of the Trading Hour or Trading Interval.
Valid values are Fast/Slow
rampRateType RampRateType How ramp rate is applied (e.g. raise or lower, as when applied to a generation resource)


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
RegisteredResource 0..* RampRateCurve 0..* RegisteredResource RampRateCurve
GeneratingBid 0..1 RampRateCurve 0..* GeneratingBid RampRateCurve
InterTieBid 0..1 RampRateCurve 0..* InterTieBid RampRateCurve
LoadBid 0..1 RampRateCurve 0..* LoadBid RampRateCurve