Class Description

Market participants could be represented by Scheduling Coordinators (SCs) that are registered with the RTO/ISO. One participant could register multiple SCs with the RTO/ISO. Many market participants can do business with the RTO/ISO using a single SC. One SC could schedule multiple generators. A load scheduling point could be used by multiple SCs. Each SC could schedule load at multiple scheduling points. An inter-tie scheduling point can be used by multiple SCs. Each SC can schedule interchange at multiple inter-tie scheduling points.


Name Type Description
creditFlag YesNo Flag to indicate creditworthiness (Y, N)
creditStartEffectiveDate DateTime Date that the scheduling coordinator becomes creditworthy.
lastModified DateTime Indication of the last time this scheduling coordinator information was modified.
qualificationStatus String Scheduling coordinator qualification status, Qualified, Not Qualified, or Disqualified.
scid String This is the short name or Scheduling Coordinator ID field.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
SchedulingCoordinator 0..* MarketParticipant 0..1 SchedulingCoordinator MarketParticipant
SchedulingCoordinator 1 Trade 0..* From_SC FromSCTrade
SchedulingCoordinator 0..1 Trade 0..* submitToSchedulingCoordinator SubmitToSCTrade
SchedulingCoordinator 0..1 Trade 0..* submitFromSchedulingCoordinator SubmitFromSCTrade
SchedulingCoordinator 1 Trade 0..* To_SC ToSCTrade
SchedulingCoordinator 1 ContractRight 0..* SchedulingCoordinator TransmissionContractRight
LoadRatio 1 SchedulingCoordinator 0..1 LoadRatio SchedulingCoordinator