Class Description

Provides definition of Transmission Ownership Right and Existing Transmission Contract identifiers for use by SCUC. RMR contract hosting: Startup lead time, Contract Service Limits, Max Service Hours, Max MWhs, Max Start-ups, Ramp Rate, Max Net Dependable Capacity, Min Capacity and Unit Substitution for DAM/RTM to retrieve.


Name Type Description
chainOrder Integer When used in conjunction with a Transmission Right contract chain, this is the precedence for the contracts.
contractMW Float MW value of the contract
contractPrice CostPerEnergyUnit Financial value of the contract
contractPriority Integer Priority for the contract. This should be unique amoung all contracts for a specific resource. This value is the directive for the SCUC algorithm on the order to satisfy/cut contracts.
contractStatus String Contract status
contractType ContractType type of the contract. Possible values are but not limited by:
ETC, TOR or RMR and RMT self schedules
financialLocation YesNo Indicator if the location associated with this contract is financial (e.g. pricing nodes) or physical (e.g. connectivity nodes).
financialRightsDAM YesNo Flag to indicate this contract provides financial rights in the DA Market
financialRightsRTM YesNo Flag to indicate this contract provides financial rights in the RT Market
fuelAdder Float Estimated Fuel Adder
latestSchedMinutes Integer This indicates the latest schedule minutes (e.g. t - xx) that this resource can be notified to respond. This attribute is only used if the market type is not supplied.
latestSchedMktType MarketType This indicates the latest schedule market type a contract can be applied to. This is used in conjunction with the latestSchedMinutes attribute to determine the latest time this contract can be called in. The possible values for this attribute are: DAM, RTM or it can be omitted. If omitted, the latestSchedMinutes attribute defines the value.
maximumScheduleQuantity Float Maximum schedule MW quantity
maximumServiceHours Integer Maximum service hours
maximumStartups Integer Maximum startups
maxNetDependableCapacity Float Maximum Net Dependable Capacity
minimumLoad Float Minimum Load
minimumScheduleQuantity Float Minimum schedule quanity
physicalRightsDAM YesNo Flag to indicate this contract provides physical rights in the DA Market
physicalRightsRTM YesNo Flag to indicate this contract provides physical rights in the RT Market
startupLeadTime Integer Start up lead time
TRType TRType Transmission Right type - is this an individual contract right or a chain contract right. Types = CHAIN or INDIVIDUAL


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
TransmissionInterfaceRightEntitlement 0..* ContractRight 1 TransmissionInterfaceEntitlement ContractRight
ContractRight 1 TREntitlement 0..* TransmissionContractRight TREntitlement
ContractRight 0..1 BidSelfSched 0..* TransmissionContractRight BidSelfSched
ContractRight 0..1 ContractDistributionFactor 0..* TransmissionContractRight ContractDistributionFactor
ContractRight 0..1 SubstitutionResourceList 0..* TransmissionContractRight SubstitutionResourceList
TransmissionRightChain 0..1 ContractRight 1..* Ind_TransmissionRightChain Ind_ContractRight
TransmissionRightChain 0..1 ContractRight 1 Chain_TransmissionRightChain Chain_ContractRight
RTO 1 ContractRight 0..* RTO TransmissionContractRight
SchedulingCoordinator 1 ContractRight 0..* SchedulingCoordinator TransmissionContractRight