Class Description

Inter Scheduling Coordinator Trades to model financial trades which may impact settlement.


Name Type Description
adjustedTradeQuantity Float The validated and current market accepted trade amount of a physical energy trade.
counterTradeQuantity Float MW quantity submitted by counter SC for the same trade
dependOnTradeName String The Depend On IST Name points to the unique IST Name in the chain of physical energy trades.
lastModified DateTime Time and date the trade was last modified.
marketType MarketType
startTime DateTime Start time and date for which trade applies.
stopTime DateTime Stop time and date for which trade is applicable.
submitFromTimeStamp DateTime Timestamp of submittal of submit From Scheduling Coordinator Trade to Market Participant Bid Submittal
submitFromUser String Userid of the submit From Scheduling Coordinator trade
submitToTimeStamp DateTime Timestamp of submittal of submit To Scheduling Coordinator Trade to Market Participant Bid Submittal
submitToUser String Userid of the submit To Scheduling Coordinator trade
tradeQuantity Float tradeQuantity:
If tradeType = IST, The amount of an Energy Trade.
If tradeType = AST, The amount of an Ancillary Service Obligation Trade.
If tradeType = UCT, The amount of a Unit Commitment Obligation Trade.
tradeStatus String Resulting status of the trade following the rule engine processing.
updateTimeStamp DateTime
updateUser String


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ActionRequest 1 Trade 0..* ActionRequest Trade
Trade 0..1 TradeError 0..* Trade TradeError
TradeProduct 1 Trade 0..* TradeProduct Trade
Pnode 0..1 Trade 0..* Pnode Trade
RegisteredGenerator 0..1 Trade 0..* RegisteredGenerator Trade
SchedulingCoordinator 1 Trade 0..* From_SC FromSCTrade
SchedulingCoordinator 0..1 Trade 0..* submitToSchedulingCoordinator SubmitToSCTrade
SchedulingCoordinator 0..1 Trade 0..* submitFromSchedulingCoordinator SubmitFromSCTrade
SchedulingCoordinator 1 Trade 0..* To_SC ToSCTrade