Class Description

This class models the transmission (either a transmission interface or a POR/POD pair) capacity including Total Transfer Capacity (TTC), Operating Transfer Capacity (OTC), and Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM).


Name Type Description
capacityBenefitMargin Float Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM) is used by Markets to calculate the transmission interface limits. This number could be manually or procedurally determined. The CBM is defined per transmission interface (branch group).
operationalTransmissionCapacity Float The Operational Transmission Capacity (OTC) is the transmission capacity under the operating condition during a specific time period, incorporating the effects of derates and current settings of operation controls. The OTCs for all transmission interface (branch group) are always provided regardless of outage or switching conditions.
OTC15min_emergency Float The Operational Transmission Capacity (OTC) 15 minute Emergency Limit
OTCemergency Float The Operational Transmission Capacity (OTC) Emergency Limit.
POD String point of delivery
POR String point of receipt
startOperatingDate DateTime Operating date & hour when the entitlement applies
totalTransmissionCapacity Float Total Transmission Capacity


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
GenericConstraints 0..1 TransmissionCapacity 0..* GenericConstraints TransmissionCapacity
Flowgate 0..1 TransmissionCapacity 0..* Flowgate TransmissionCapacity