Class Description

Look up table for the purpose of wind standard models.


Name Type Description
input Float Input value (x) for the lookup table function.
lookupTableFunctionType WindLookupTableFunctionKind Type of the lookup table function.
output Float Output value (y) for the lookup table function.
sequence Integer Sequence numbers of the pairs of the input (x) and the output (y) of the lookup table function.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
WindDynamicsLookupTable 1..* WindGenType3bIEC 0..1 WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this generator type 3B model. WindGenType3bIEC The generator type 3B model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.
WindDynamicsLookupTable 1..* WindPitchContPowerIEC 0..1 WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this pitch control power model. WindPitchContPowerIEC The pitch control power model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.
WindDynamicsLookupTable 1..* WindContRotorRIEC 0..1 WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this rotor resistance control model. WindContRotorRIEC The rotor resistance control model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.
WindDynamicsLookupTable 1..* WindContPType3IEC 0..1 WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this P control type 3 model. WindContPType3IEC The P control type 3 model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.
WindDynamicsLookupTable 1..* WindContCurrLimIEC 0..1 WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this current control limitation model. WindContCurrLimIEC The current control limitation model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.
WindDynamicsLookupTable 1..* WindContQPQULimIEC 0..1 WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this QP and QU limitation model. WindContQPQULimIEC The QP and QU limitation model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.
WindDynamicsLookupTable 1..* WindProtectionIEC 0..1 WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this grid protection model. WindProtectionIEC The grid protection model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.
WindDynamicsLookupTable 1..* WindPlantReactiveControlIEC 0..1 WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this voltage and reactive power wind plant model. WindPlantReactiveControlIEC The voltage and reactive power wind plant control model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.
WindDynamicsLookupTable 1..* WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC 0..1 WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this frequency and active power wind plant model. WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC The frequency and active power wind plant control model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.