Class Description

P control model type 3.
Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


Name Type Description
dpmax PU Maximum wind turbine power ramp rate (dpmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.
dprefmax PU Maximum ramp rate of wind turbine reference power (dprefmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.
dprefmin PU Minimum ramp rate of wind turbine reference power (dprefmin). It is a project-dependent parameter.
dthetamax PU Ramp limitation of torque, required in some grid codes (dtmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.
dthetamaxuvrt PU Limitation of torque rise rate during UVRT (dthetamaxUVRT). It is a project-dependent parameter.
kdtd PU Gain for active drive train damping (KDTD). It is a type-dependent parameter.
kip PU PI controller integration parameter (KIp). It is a type-dependent parameter.
kpp PU PI controller proportional gain (KPp). It is a type-dependent parameter.
mpuvrt Boolean Enable UVRT power control mode (MpUVRT). It is a project-dependent parameter.
true = voltage control (1 in the IEC model)
false = reactive power control (0 in the IEC model).
omegadtd PU Active drive train damping frequency (omegaDTD). It can be calculated from two mass model parameters. It is a type-dependent parameter.
omegaoffset PU Offset to reference value that limits controller action during rotor speed changes (omegaoffset). It is a case-dependent parameter.
pdtdmax PU Maximum active drive train damping power (pDTDmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.
tdvs Seconds Time delay after deep voltage sags (TDVS) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.
thetaemin PU Minimum electrical generator torque (temin). It is a type-dependent parameter.
thetauscale PU Voltage scaling factor of reset-torque (tuscale). It is a project-dependent parameter.
tomegafiltp3 Seconds Filter time constant for generator speed measurement (Tomegafiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
tomegaref Seconds Time constant in speed reference filter (Tomega,ref) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
tpfiltp3 Seconds Filter time constant for power measurement (Tpfiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
tpord PU Time constant in power order lag (Tpord). It is a type-dependent parameter.
tufiltp3 Seconds Filter time constant for voltage measurement (Tufiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
udvs PU Voltage limit for hold UVRT status after deep voltage sags (uDVS). It is a project-dependent parameter.
updip PU Voltage dip threshold for P-control (uPdip). Part of turbine control, often different (e.g 0.8) from converter thresholds. It is a project-dependent parameter.
zeta Float Coefficient for active drive train damping (zeta). It is a type-dependent parameter.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
WindContPType3IEC 1 WindTurbineType3IEC 1 WindContPType3IEC Wind control P type 3 model associated with this wind turbine type 3 model. WindTurbineType3IEC Wind turbine type 3 model with which this wind control P type 3 model is associated.
WindDynamicsLookupTable 1..* WindContPType3IEC 0..1 WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this P control type 3 model. WindContPType3IEC The P control type 3 model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.