Class Description

A charge element associated with other entities such as tariff structures, auxiliary agreements or other charge elements. The total charge amount applicable to this instance of charge is the sum of fixed and variable portion.


Name Type Description
fixedPortion AccountingUnit The fixed portion of this charge element.
kind ChargeKind The kind of charge to be applied.
variablePortion PerCent The variable portion of this charge element, calculated as a percentage of the total amount of a parent charge.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
AuxiliaryAccount 0..* Charge 0..* AuxiliaryAccounts All auxiliary accounts to which this charge has to be levied. Charges All charges levied on this account.
Charge 0..1 Charge 0..* ParentCharge Parent of this charge sub-component. ChildCharges All sub-components of this complex charge.
ConsumptionTariffInterval 0..* Charge 0..* ConsumptionTariffIntervals Tariff intervals to which this consumption-based charge has to be levied. Charges All charges used to define this consumption tariff interval.
TimeTariffInterval 0..* Charge 0..* TimeTariffIntervals Tariff intervals to which this time-based charge has to be levied. Charges All charges used to define this time tariff interval.