Class Description

Variable and dynamic part of auxiliary agreement, generally representing the current state of the account related to the outstanding balance defined in auxiliary agreement.


Name Type Description
due Due Current amounts now due for payment on this account.
lastCredit AccountMovement Details of the last credit transaction performed on this account.
lastDebit AccountMovement Details of the last debit transaction performed on this account.
principleAmount Money The initial principle amount, with which this account was instantiated.
balance Money The total amount currently remaining on this account that is required to be paid in order to settle the account to zero. This excludes any due amounts not yet paid.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
AuxiliaryAccount 0..* Charge 0..* AuxiliaryAccounts All auxiliary accounts to which this charge has to be levied. Charges All charges levied on this account.
AuxiliaryAccount 0..1 Transaction 0..* AuxiliaryAccount Auxiliary account for this payment transaction. PaymentTransactions All payments against this account.
AuxiliaryAgreement 0..1 AuxiliaryAccount 1..* AuxiliaryAgreement Auxiliary agreement regulating this account. AuxiliaryAccounts All auxiliary accounts regulated by this agreement.