Class Description

Kind of charge.


Name Type Description
consumptionCharge The charge levied for the actual usage of the service, normally expressed in terms of a tariff. For example: usage x price per kWh = total charge for consumption.
demandCharge The charge related to the usage within a defined time interval, normally expressed in terms of a tariff. For example: a maximum-demand tariff will levy an additional charge on top of the consumption charge if the usage exceeds a defined limit per hour.
auxiliaryCharge Any other charge which is not a consumptionCharge or demandCharge. For example: debt recovery, arrears, standing charge or charge for another service such as street lighting.
taxCharge Any charge that is classified as a tax of a kind. For example: VAT, GST, TV tax, etc.
other Other kind of charge.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False

