Class Description

The current state for a measurement. A state value is an instance of a measurement from a specific source. Measurements can be associated with many state values, each representing a different source for the measurement.


Name Type Description
sensorAccuracy PerCent The limit, expressed as a percentage of the sensor maximum, that errors will not exceed when the sensor is used under reference conditions.
timeStamp DateTime The time when the value was last updated.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
MeasurementValue 1 RemoteSource 0..1 MeasurementValue Link to the physical telemetered point associated with this measurement. RemoteSource Link to the physical telemetered point associated with this measurement.
MeasurementValueQuality 0..1 MeasurementValue 1 MeasurementValueQuality A MeasurementValue has a MeasurementValueQuality associated with it. MeasurementValue A MeasurementValue has a MeasurementValueQuality associated with it.
MeasurementValueSource 1 MeasurementValue 0..* MeasurementValueSource A reference to the type of source that updates the MeasurementValue, e.g. SCADA, CCLink, manual, etc. User conventions for the names of sources are contained in the introduction to IEC 61970-301. MeasurementValues The MeasurementValues updated by the source.
CalculationMethodHierarchy 0..1 MeasurementValue 0..1 CalculationMethodHierarchy MeasurementValue Measurement value to which this calculation method hierarchy applies.
ProcedureDataSet 0..* MeasurementValue 0..* ProcedureDataSet MeasurementValue
OldPerson 0..1 MeasurementValue 0..* ErpPerson MeasurementValues