Class Description

a Assets that may be used for planning, work or design purposes.


Name Type Description
estimatedUnitCost Money Estimated unit cost (or cost per unit length) of this type of asset. It does not include labor to install, construct or configure it.
kind AssetKind Kind of asset (from enumerated list).
quantity StringQuantity The value, unit of measure, and multiplier for the quantity.
stockItem Boolean True if item is a stock item (default).
type String Description of type of asset.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
AssetInfo 0..1 CatalogAssetType 0..1 AssetInfo Generic nameplate information associated with this catalog asset type. CatalogAssetType Asset information (nameplate) for this catalog asset type.
CatalogAssetType 0..* TypeAssetCatalogue 0..1 TypeAssets TypeAssetCatalogue
CatalogAssetType 0..1 ErpBomItemData 0..* TypeAsset ErpBomItemDatas
CatalogAssetType 0..1 ErpReqLineItem 0..* TypeAsset ErpReqLineItems
ProductAssetModel 0..* CatalogAssetType 0..1 ProductAssetModel Product asset model conforming to this catalog asset type. CatalogAssetType Catalog asset type to which this product asset model conforms.
CompatibleUnit 0..* CatalogAssetType 0..1 CompatibleUnits GenericAssetModel
ErpIssueInventory 0..* CatalogAssetType 0..1 ErpInventoryIssues TypeAsset