Class Description

Transformer end data.


Name Type Description
connectionKind WindingConnection Kind of connection.
emergencyS ApparentPower Apparent power that the winding can carry under emergency conditions (also called long-term emergency power).
endNumber Integer Number for this transformer end, corresponding to the end’s order in the PowerTransformer.vectorGroup attribute. Highest voltage winding should be 1.
insulationU Voltage Basic insulation level voltage rating.
phaseAngleClock Integer Winding phase angle where 360 degrees are represented with clock hours, so the valid values are {0, …, 11}. For example, to express the second winding in code ‘Dyn11’, set attributes as follows: ‘endNumber’=2, ‘connectionKind’ = Yn and ‘phaseAngleClock’ = 11.
r Resistance DC resistance.
ratedS ApparentPower Normal apparent power rating.
ratedU Voltage Rated voltage: phase-phase for three-phase windings, and either phase-phase or phase-neutral for single-phase windings.
shortTermS ApparentPower Apparent power that this winding can carry for a short period of time (in emergency).


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
NoLoadTest 0..* TransformerEndInfo 0..1 EnergisedEndNoLoadTests All no-load test measurements in which this transformer end was energised. EnergisedEnd Transformer end that current is applied to in this no-load test.
OpenCircuitTest 0..* TransformerEndInfo 1 EnergisedEndOpenCircuitTests All open-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was excited. EnergisedEnd Transformer end that current is applied to in this open-circuit test.
OpenCircuitTest 0..* TransformerEndInfo 1 OpenEndOpenCircuitTests All open-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was not excited. OpenEnd Transformer end measured for induced voltage and angle in this open-circuit test.
ShortCircuitTest 0..* TransformerEndInfo 1 EnergisedEndShortCircuitTests All short-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was energised. EnergisedEnd Transformer end that voltage is applied to in this short-circuit test. The test voltage is chosen to induce rated current in the energised end.
ShortCircuitTest 0..* TransformerEndInfo 1..* GroundedEndShortCircuitTests All short-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was short-circuited. GroundedEnds All ends short-circuited in this short-circuit test.
TransformerEndInfo 0..1 TransformerCoreAdmittance 0..1 TransformerEndInfo Transformer end datasheet used to calculate this core admittance. CoreAdmittance Core admittance calculated from this transformer end datasheet, representing magnetising current and core losses. The full values of the transformer should be supplied for one transformer end info only.
TransformerEndInfo 0..* TransformerMeshImpedance 0..* ToTransformerEndInfos All ‘to’ transformer end datasheets this mesh impedance for ‘from’ transformer end is calculated from. ToMeshImpedances All mesh impedances between this ‘from’ and other ‘to’ transformer ends.
TransformerEndInfo 0..1 TransformerMeshImpedance 0..* FromTransformerEndInfo ‘from’ transformer end datasheet this mesh impedance is calculated from. It determines the voltage reference. FromMeshImpedances All mesh impedances between this ‘to’ and other ‘from’ transformer ends.
TransformerEndInfo 0..1 TransformerStarImpedance 0..1 TransformerEndInfo Transformer end datasheet used to calculate this transformer star impedance. TransformerStarImpedance Transformer star impedance calculated from this transformer end datasheet.
TransformerTankInfo 1 TransformerEndInfo 1..* TransformerTankInfo Transformer tank data that this end description is part of. TransformerEndInfos Data for all the ends described by this transformer tank data.