Class Description

An aggregated pricing node is a specialized type of pricing node used to model items such as System Zone, Default Price Zone, Custom Price Zone, Control Area, Aggregated Generation, Aggregated Particpating Load, Aggregated Non-Participating Load, Trading Hub, Designated Control Area(DCA) Zone.


Name Type Description
apnodeType ApnodeType Aggregate Price Node Types
participationCategory ParticipationCategoryMPM Designated Control Area participation in LMP price measurement
‘Y’ - Participates in both Local Market Power Mitigation (LMPM) and System Market Power Mitigation (SMPM)
‘N’ - Not included in LMP price measures
‘S’ - Participatesin SMPM price measures
‘L’ - Participatesin LMPM price measures


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
TradingHubValues 0..* AggregatedPnode 1 TradingHubValues AggregatedPnode
AggregatedPnode 0..1 GenDistributionFactor 1..* AggregatedPnode GenDistributionFactor
AggregatedPnode 0..1 LoadDistributionFactor 1..* AggregatedPnode LoadDistributionFactor
AggregatedPnode 1 MPMTestResults 1..* AggregatedPnode MPMTestResults
AggregatedPnode 0..* TACArea 0..* AggregatedPnode TACArea
AggregatedPnode 1 PnodeDistributionFactor 1..* AggregatedPnode PnodeDistributionFactor
MPMTestThreshold 1..* AggregatedPnode 0..* MPMTestThreshold AggregatedPnode
MktCombinedCyclePlant 0..* AggregatedPnode 0..1 MktCombinedCyclePlant AggregatedPnode