Class Description

This class models the load distribution factors. This class should be used in one of two ways:

Use it along with the AggregatedPnode and the IndividualPnode to show the distriubtion of each individual party


Use it with Mkt_EnergyConsumer to represent the current MW/Mvar distribution within it’s parnet load group.


Name Type Description
pDistFactor Float Real power (MW) load distribution factor
qDistFactor Float Reactive power (MVAr) load distribution factor


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
DistributionFactorSet 0..* LoadDistributionFactor 0..* DistributionFactorSet LoadDistributionFactor
AggregatedPnode 0..1 LoadDistributionFactor 1..* AggregatedPnode LoadDistributionFactor
IndividualPnode 0..1 LoadDistributionFactor 0..1 IndividualPnode LoadDistributionFactor