Class Description

Represents both bids to purchase and offers to sell energy or ancillary services in an RTO-sponsored market.


Name Type Description
marketType MarketType The market type, DAM or RTM.
startTime DateTime Start time and date for which bid applies.
stopTime DateTime Stop time and date for which bid is applicable.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
MitigatedBid 0..* Bid 0..1 MitigatedBid Bid
RMRDetermination 0..* Bid 0..1 RMRDetermination Bid
ActionRequest 1 Bid 0..* ActionRequest Bid
Bid 0..* MarketParticipant 0..1 Bid MarketParticipant
Bid 0..1 ChargeProfile 0..* Bid ChargeProfiles
Bid 0..* EnergyMarket 1 Bids EnergyMarket
Bid 1 MitigatedBidSegment 0..* Bid MitigatedBidSegment
BidHourlySchedule 0..* Bid 1 BidHourlySchedule Bid
ProductBid 1..* Bid 1 ProductBids A bid comprises one or more product bids of market products Bid A bid comprises one or more product bids of market products