Class Description

Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 3 and type 4 including their control models.




Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
WindRefFrameRotIEC 1 WindTurbineType3or4IEC 1 WindRefFrameRotIEC Reference frame rotation model associated with this wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model. WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model with which this reference frame rotation model is associated.
WindContQIEC 1 WindTurbineType3or4IEC 1 WIndContQIEC Wind control Q model associated with this wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model. WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model with which this reactive control model is associated.
WindContCurrLimIEC 1 WindTurbineType3or4IEC 1 WindContCurrLimIEC Wind control current limitation model associated with this wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model. WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model with which this wind control current limitation model is associated.
WindContQLimIEC 0..1 WindTurbineType3or4IEC 0..1 WindContQLimIEC Constant Q limitation model associated with this wind generator type 3 or type 4 model. WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind generator type 3 or type 4 model with which this constant Q limitation model is associated.
WindContQPQULimIEC 0..1 WindTurbineType3or4IEC 0..1 WindContQPQULimIEC QP and QU limitation model associated with this wind generator type 3 or type 4 model. WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind generator type 3 or type 4 model with which this QP and QU limitation model is associated.
WindProtectionIEC 1 WindTurbineType3or4IEC 0..1 WindProtectionIEC Wind turbune protection model associated with this wind generator type 3 or type 4 model. WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind generator type 3 or type 4 model with which this wind turbine protection model is associated.