Class Description
Common representation for reading values. Note that a reading value may have multiple qualities, as produced by various systems (‘ReadingQuality.source’).
Name | Type | Description |
reportedDateTime | DateTime | (used only when there are detailed auditing requirements) Date and time at which the reading was first delivered to the metering system. |
source | String | System that originally supplied the reading (e.g., customer, AMI system, handheld reading system, another enterprise system, etc.). |
timePeriod | DateTimeInterval | Start and end of the period for those readings whose type has a time attribute such as ‘billing’, seasonal' or ‘forTheSpecifiedPeriod’. |
value | String | Value of this reading. |
Inherits from
Descendant classes
Leaf/Root class
IsLeaf | IsRoot |
False | False |
Source Class | Cardinality Source | Target Class | Cardinality Target | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
ReadingQuality | 0..* | BaseReading | 0..1 | ReadingQualities | All qualities of this reading. | Reading | Reading value to which this quality applies. |