Class Description

An object that defines one or more points in a given space. This object can be associated with anything that specializes IdentifiedObject. For single line diagrams such objects typically include such items as analog values, breakers, disconnectors, power transformers, and transmission lines.


Name Type Description
rotation AngleDegrees Sets the angle of rotation of the diagram object. Zero degrees is pointing to the top of the diagram. Rotation is clockwise. DiagramObject.rotation=0 has the following meaning: The connection point of an element which has one terminal is pointing to the top side of the diagram. The connection point “From side” of an element which has more than one terminal is pointing to the top side of the diagram.
DiagramObject.rotation=90 has the following meaning: The connection point of an element which has one terminal is pointing to the right hand side of the diagram. The connection point “From side” of an element which has more than one terminal is pointing to the right hand side of the diagram.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
True False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
IdentifiedObject 0..1 DiagramObject 0..* IdentifiedObject The domain object to which this diagram object is associated. DiagramObjects The diagram objects that are associated with the domain object.
DiagramObject 0..* Diagram 0..1 DiagramElements A diagram is made up of multiple diagram objects. Diagram A diagram object is part of a diagram.
DiagramObject 0..* DiagramObjectStyle 0..1 StyledObjects A style can be assigned to multiple diagram objects. DiagramObjectStyle A diagram object has a style associated that provides a reference for the style used in the originating system.
DiagramObject 1 DiagramObjectPoint 0..* DiagramObject The diagram object with which the points are associated. DiagramObjectPoints A diagram object can have 0 or more points to reflect its layout position, routing (for polylines) or boundary (for polygons).