Class Description

To model the Operation and Maintenance (O and M) costs of a generation resource.


Name Type Description
gasPercentAboveLowSustainedLimit PerCent Percentage of Fuel Index Price (gas) for operating above Low Sustained Limit (LSL)
oilPercentAboveLowSustainedLimit PerCent Percentage of Fuel Oil Price (FOP) for operating above Low Sustained Limit (LSL)
omCostColdStartup Float Verifiable O&M Cost ($), Cold Startup
omCostHotStartup Float Verifiable O&M Cost ($), Hot Startup
omCostIntermediateStartup Float Verifiable O&M Cost ($), Intermediate Startup
omCostLowSustainedLimit Float Verifiable O&M Cost ($/MWh), LSL
solidfuelPercentAboveLowSustainedLimit PerCent Percentage of Solid Fuel for operating above Low Sustained Limit (LSL)


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ResourceOperationMaintenanceCost 1 ResourceVerifiableCosts 0..1 ResourceOperationMaintenanceCost ResourceVerifiableCosts