Class Description

Model of a load that is registered to participate in the market.

RegisteredLoad is used to model any load that is served by the wholesale market directly. RegisteredLoads may be dispatchable or non-dispatchable and may or may not have bid curves. Examples of RegisteredLoads would include: distribution company load, energy retailer load, large bulk power system connected facility load.

Loads that are served indirectly, for example - through an energy retailer or a vertical utility, should be modeled as RegisteredDistributedResources. Examples of RegisteredDistributedResources would include: distribution level storage, distribution level generation and distribution level demand response.


Name Type Description
blockLoadTransfer Boolean Emergency operating procedure - Flag to indicate that the Resource is Block Load pseudo resource.
dynamicallyScheduledLoadResource Boolean Flag to indicate that a Load Resource is part of a DSR Load
dynamicallyScheduledQualification Boolean Qualification status (used for DSR qualification).


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
AuxiliaryObject 0..* RegisteredLoad 0..1 AuxillaryObject RegisteredLoad
RegisteredLoad 0..1 LoadBid 0..* RegisteredLoad LoadBids