Class Description

Provides a reference to the Market Power Mitigation test identifiers and methods for the results of the DA or RT markets. Specific data is the test identifier (Price, Conduct, or Impact) and the test method (System MPM, Local MPM, Alternate System MPM, or Alternate Local MPM).


Name Type Description
purposeFlag PurposeFlagType Nature of threshold data:
‘M’ - Mitigation threshold
‘R’ - Reporting threshold
testIdentifier MPMTestIdentifierType 1 - Global Price Test
2 - Global Conduct Test
3 - Global Impact Test
4 - Local Price Test
5 - Local Conduct Test
6 - Local Impact Test
testMethod MPMTestMethodType The method of performing the market power monitoring. Examples are Normal (default) thresholds or Alternate thresholds.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
MPMTestCategory 1 MPMResourceStatus 0..* MPMTestCategory MPMResourceStatus
MPMTestCategory 1 MPMTestResults 0..* MPMTestCategory MPMTestResults
MPMTestCategory 1 MPMTestThreshold 0..* MPMTestCategory MPMTestThreshold