Class Description

Subclass of IEC 61970:Contingency.


Name Type Description
loadRolloverFlag Boolean load change flag
Flag that indicates whether load rollover and load pickup should be processed for this contingency
ltcControlFlag Boolean ltc enable flag
Flag that indicates if LTCs regulate voltage during the solution of the contingency
participationFactorSet String Participation Factor flag
An indication which set of generator participation factors should be used to re-allocate generation in this contingency
screeningFlag Boolean sceening flag for outage
Flag that indicated whether screening is bypassed for the contingency


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ContingencyConstraintLimit 0..* MktContingency 1 ContingencyConstraintLimit MktContingency
TransferInterfaceSolution 0..1 MktContingency 0..1 TransferInterfaceSolutionA MktContingencyA
TransferInterfaceSolution 0..1 MktContingency 0..1 TransferInterfaceSolutionB MktContingencyB
ConstraintResults 0..* MktContingency 1 ConstraintResults MktContingency