Class Description

Response from registered resource acknowledging receipt of dispatch instructions.


Name Type Description
acceptMW ActivePower The accepted mw amount by the responder. aka response mw.
acceptStatus DispatchResponseType The accept status submitted by the responder. enumeration type needs to be defined
certificationName String The Subject DN is the X509 Certificate Subject DN. This is the essentially the certificate name presented by the client. In the case of ADS Certificates, this will be the user name. It may be from an API Client or the MP Client (GUI).
The Subject ID normally includes more than just the user name (Common Name), it can also contain information such as City, Company ID, etc.
clearedMW ActivePower MW amount associated with instruction. For 5 minute binding dispatches, this is the Goto MW or DOT
instructionTime DateTime The target date/time for the received instruction.
instructionType String instruction type:
out of sequence
passIndicator PassIndicatorType The type of run for the market clearing.
receivedTime DateTime Timestamp indicating the time at which the instruction was received.
startTime DateTime start time


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
RegisteredResource 1 DispatchInstReply 0..* RegisteredResource DispatchInstReply