Class Description

Represents an the performance evaluation of a resource deployment. Every resource deployment may have many performance evaluations, using different evaluation metrics or algorithms, or produced by different evaluation authorities.


Name Type Description
effectiveEndTime DateTime
effectiveStartTime DateTime
evaluationDescription String Description of the performance evaluation, e.g. the rating classification used (any is allowed), why the evaluation was performed, anything that describes the demand response performance evaluation.
evaluationValue String The value of the performance. as a String, any rating scheme is supported (e.g. “1”,“2”,“3” or “low”, “medium”, “high”). The rating scheme is described in the performanceValueDescription attribute.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
DistributedResourceActualEvent 1 ResourcePerformanceEvaluation 0..* DemandResponseActualEvent ResourcePerformanceEvaluations
ResourcePerformanceEvaluation 1 ResourcePerformanceTimeSeriesFactor 0..* ResourcePerformanceEvaluation ResourcePerformanceTimeSeriesFactors
ResourcePerformanceGlobalFactor 0..* ResourcePerformanceEvaluation 0..* ResorcePerformanceGlobalFactor ResourcePerformanceEvaluation