Class Description

The ResourceDispatchResults class provides market results that can be provided to a SC. The specific data provided consists of several indicators such as contingency flags, blocked start up, and RMR dispatch. It also provides the projected overall and the regulating status of the resource.


Name Type Description
blockedDispatch String Blocked Dispatch Indicator (Yes/No)
blockedPublishDOP String Block sending DOP to ADS (Y/N)
contingencyFlag YesNo Contingent Operating Reserve Indicator (Yes/No). Resource participating with AS capacity in contingency dispatch.
limitIndicator String indicate which limit is the constraints
lowerLimit Float resource energy ramping lower limit
maxRampRate Float maximum ramp rate
operatingLimitHigh Float The upper operating limit incorporating any derate used by the RTD for the Binding Interval.
operatingLimitLow Float The lower operating limit incorporating any derate used by the RTD for the Binding Interval.
penaltyDispatchIndicator YesNo Penalty Dispatch Indicator (Yes / No) indicating an un-economic adjustment.
regulatingLimitHigh Float The upper regulating limit incorporating any derate used by the RTD for the Binding Interval.
regulatingLimitLow Float The lower regulating limit incorporating any derate used by the RTD for the Binding Interval.
resourceStatus String Unit Commitment Status (On/Off/Starting)
totalSchedule Float Resource total upward schedule. total schedule = En + all AS per resource per interval
updateTimeStamp DateTime
updateType MQSCHGType
updateUser String
upperLimit Float resource energy ramping upper limit


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
RegisteredResource 0..1 ResourceDispatchResults 0..* RegisteredResource ResourceDispatchResults
ResourceClearing 0..1 ResourceDispatchResults 1..* ResourceClearing ResourceDispatchResults