Class Description

Model of market results, instruction for resource. Contains details of award as attributes.


Name Type Description
selfSchedMW Float For DA Energy: DA total self-schedule award;
For DA AS: DA AS self-provision award;
For RT Energy: RT total self-schedule award;
For RT AS: RT AS self-provision award (excluding DA AS market or self-provision awards)
startUpCost Float Unit start up cost in case of energy commodity
status String In or out status of resource
totalRevenue Float Total bid revenue (startup_cost + no_load_cost + bid_pay)
updateTimeStamp DateTime
updateType MQSCHGType
updateUser String
awardMW Float For DA Energy: Not Applicable;
For DA AS: DA AS market award;
For RT Energy: Not Applicable;
For RT AS: RT AS market award (excluding DA AS market or self-proviison awards)
clearedMW Float For DA Energy: Total Schedule = DA market schedule + DA self-schedule award;
For DA AS: DA Ancillary Service Awards = DA AS market award + DA AS self-provision award;
For RT Energy: Total Schedule = RT market schedule + RT self-schedule award;
For RT AS: RT Ancillary Service Awards = RT AS self-provision award + RT AS market award + DA AS market award + DA AS self-provision award;
clearedPrice Float Marginal Price ($/MW) for the commodity (Regulation Up, Regulation Down, Spinning Reserve, or Non-spinning reserve) for pricing run.
congestLMP Float Congestion component of Location Marginal Price (LMP) in monetary units per MW.
costLMP Float Cost component of Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) in monetary units per MW.
dispatcherAddedMW Float The tier2 mw added by dispatcher action
Market results of the synchronized reserve market
economicMax Float Unit max output for dispatch; bid in economic maximum
economicMin Float Unit min output for dispatch; bid in economic minimum
effRegulationDownLimit Float Effective Regulation Down Limit (MW)
effRegulationUpLimit Float Effective Regulation Up Limit
lmp Float Locational marginal price value
lossLMP Float Loss component of Location Marginal Price (LMP) in monetary units per MW.
manuallyBlocked YesNo Indicates if an award was manually blocked (Y/N). Valid for Spinning and Non-spinning.
marginalResourceIndicator YesNo Indicator (Yes / No) that this resource set the price for this dispatch / schedule.
mustRunInd Boolean Identifes if the unit was set to must run by the market participant responsible for bidding in the unit
noLoadCost Float Unit no-load cost in case of energy commodity
optimalBidCost Float Optimal Bid cost
optimalBidPay Float Optimal Bid production payment based on LMP
optimalMargin Float Optimal Bid production margin
overrideTimeStamp DateTime Time the manual data entry occured.
overrideValue Float Provides the ability for the grid operator to override items, such as spin capacity requirements, prior to running the algorithm. This value is market product based (spin, non-spin, reg up, reg down, or RUC).


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
MarketProduct 1 ResourceAwardInstruction 0..* MarketProduct ResourceAwardInstruction
ResourceAwardClearing 1..* ResourceAwardInstruction 1..* ClearingResourceAward ResourceAwardInstruction
ResourceAwardInstruction 0..* RegisteredResource 0..1 ResourceAwardInstruction RegisteredResource
ResourceAwardInstruction 1 SelfScheduleBreakdown 0..* ResourceAwardInstruction SelfScheduleBreakdown