Class Description

Pass Through Bill is used for:
1)Two sided charge transactions with or without ISO involvement
2) Specific direct charges or payments that are calculated outside or provided directly to settlements
3) Specific charge bill determinants that are externally supplied and used in charge calculations


Name Type Description
adjustedAmount Money
amount Money The charge amount of the product/service.
billedTo String The company to which the PTB transaction is billed.
billEnd DateTime Bill period end date
billRunType String The settlement run type, for example: prelim, final, and rerun.
billStart DateTime Bill period start date
effectiveDate DateTime The effective date of the transaction
isDisputed Boolean Disputed transaction indicator
isProfiled Boolean A flag indicating whether there is a profile data associated with the PTB.
paidTo String The company to which the PTB transaction is paid.
previousEnd DateTime The previous bill period end date
previousStart DateTime The previous bill period start date
price Money The price of product/service.
productCode String The product identifier for determining the charge type of the transaction.
providedBy String The company by which the PTB transaction service is provided.
quantity FloatQuantity The product quantity.
serviceEnd DateTime The end date of service provided, if periodic.
serviceStart DateTime The start date of service provided, if periodic.
soldTo String The company to which the PTB transaction is sold.
taxAmount Money The tax on services taken.
timeZone String The time zone code
tradeDate DateTime The trade date
transactionDate DateTime The date the transaction occurs.
transactionType String The type of transaction. For example, charge customer, bill customer, matching AR/AP, or bill determinant


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ChargeProfile 0..* PassThroughBill 0..1 ChargeProfiles PassTroughBill
PassThroughBill 0..* MktUserAttribute 0..* PassThroughBill MktUserAttribute
PassThroughBill 0..1 MarketStatementLineItem 0..1 PassThroughBill MarketStatementLineItem