Class Description

Provides all Region Ancillary Service results for the DA and RT markets. The specific data is commodity type (Regulation Up, Regulation Down, Spinning Reserve, Non-spinning Reserve, or Total Up reserves) based for the cleared MW, cleared price, and total capacity required for the region.


Name Type Description
clearedMW Float Cleared generation Value in MW. For AS, this value is clearedMW = AS Total. For AS, clearedMW - selfScheduleMW = AS Procured
clearedPrice Float Marginal Price ($/MW) for the commodity (Energy, Regulation Up, Regulation Down, Spinning Reserve, or Non-spinning reserve) based on the pricing run.
dispatchCtMW Float Dispatchable MW for Combustion units.
dispatchHydroMW Float Dispatchable MW for Hydro units.
dispatchRate Float Dispatch rate in MW/minutes.
dispatchSteamMW Float Dispatchable MW for Steam units.
imbalanceEnergyBias Float Imbalance Energy Bias (MW) by Time Period (5' only)
limitFlag ResourceLimitIndicator Locational AS Flags indicating whether the Upper or Lower Bound limit of the AS regional procurment is binding
lumpyIndicator YesNo The “Lumpy Flag”(Y/N) indicates whether the resource that sets the price is a lumpy generator by hour over the time horizon.
Only applicable for the Day Ahead Market
maxSufficiencyIndex Float Region requirement maximum limit
minSufficiencyIndex Float Region requirement minimum limit
reqMaxMW Float Region requirement maximum limit
reqMinMW Float Region requirement minimum limit
selfScheduleMW Float Aof AS, selfScheduleMW = AS Self-Provided


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
AncillaryServiceClearing 0..1 MarketRegionResults 1..* AncillaryServiceClearing MarketRegionResults
MarketProduct 0..1 MarketRegionResults 0..1 MarketProduct MarketRegionResults
MarketRegion 1 MarketRegionResults 1..* MarketRegion MarketRegionResults