Class Description

Provides the necessary information (on a resource basis) to capture the Startup/Shutdown instruction results. This information is relevant to the DA Market (RUC only) as well as the RT Market (HASP, Pre-dispatch, and Interval).


Name Type Description
bindingDOD Float Binding dispatch operating delta provides a relative delta to be applied. Typically used in demand response instructions. The bindingDOD instructions are cumulative; in other words a second DOD instruction does not replace the previous DOD, instead the second DOD adds to the previous DODs.
bindingDOT Float
bindingInstruction YesNo
instructionCost Float Total cost associated with changing the status of the resource.
instructionSource MQSInstructionSource instruction source for market quality results (INS, ACT)
instructionStartTime DateTime Time the resource should be at Pmin (for start ups).
Time the resource is off line.
instructionType AutomaticDispInstTypeCommitment Indicator of either a Start-Up or a Shut-Down.
manuallyBlocked YesNo Manually Blocked Indicator (Yes/No). The instruction has been blocked by an Operator.
minStatusChangeTime Integer Minimum start up time required to bring the unit online (minutes).
SCUC commitment period start-up time. Calculated start up time based on the StartUpTimeCurve provided with the Bid.
This is a combination of StartUp time bid and Unit down time.
Units is minutes
updateTimeStamp DateTime
updateType MQSCHGType
updateUser String


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
Instructions 0..* RegisteredResource 1 Instructions RegisteredResource
Instructions 1..* InstructionClearing 1..* Instructions InstructionClearing
Instructions 0..* AggregateNode 0..1 Instruction AggregateNode