Class Description

Provides the necessary information (on a resource basis) to capture the Dispatch Operating Target (DOT) results on a Dispatch interval. This information is only relevant to the RT interval market.


Name Type Description
actualRampRate Float Actual ramp rate.
compliantIndicator YesNo Flag indicating whether or not the resource was in compliance with the instruction (plus/minus 10%).
Directs if a unit is allowed to set the price (ex-post pricing).
DOT Float Dispatch operating target value.
economicMaxOverride Float Economic Max Limit override for unit, this value is null, if it is not, this value overrides the Energy column value.
Allows dispatcher to override the unit’s energy value.
expectedEnergy Float Expected energy.
generatorPerformanceDegree Float The Degree of Generator Performance (DGP) used for the unit. Measure of how a generator responds to raise /lower signals. Calculated every five minutes.
hourAheadSchedEnergy Float HASP results.
hourlySchedule Float Hourly Schedule (DA Energy Schedule).
instructionTime DateTime The date/time for the instruction.
maximumEmergencyInd Boolean True if maximum emergency limit activated; false otherwise. If unit is requested to move up to its max emergency limit., this flag is set to true.
meterLoadFollowing Float Meter Sub System Load Following.
nonRampRestrictedMW Float Desired MW that is not ramp restricted. If no ramp rate limit existed for the unit, this is the MW value tha t the unit was requested to move to.
nonSpinReserve Float Non Spin Reserve used to procure energy.
previousDOTTimeStamp DateTime Timestamp when the previous DOT value was issued.
rampRateLimit Float The ramp rate limit for the unit in MWs per minute. Participant bidding data.
regulationStatus YesNo Regulation Status (Yes/No).
spinReserve Float Spin Reserve used to procure energy.
standardRampEnergy Float Standard ramping energy (MWH).
supplementalEnergy Float Supplemental Energy procure by Real Time Dispatch.
unitStatus Integer Output results from the case identifying the reason the unit was committed by the software.


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
InstructionClearingDOT 1..* DotInstruction 1..* InstructionClearingDOT DotInstruction
DotInstruction 0..* RegisteredResource 0..1 DotInstruction RegisteredResource