Class Description

Commodities in the context of IEC 62325 are MarketProducts (energy, regulation, reserve, etc) traded at a specific location, which in this case is a Pnode (either a specific pricing node or a pricing area or zone defined as a collection of pricing nodes). The CommodityDefinition is a container for these two parameters, plus the unit of measure and the currency in which the Commodity is traded. Each CommodityDefinition should be relatively static; defined once and rarely changed.


Name Type Description
commodityCurrency Currency The currency in which the Commodity is traded, using the standard conventions associated with the Currency enumeration.
commodityUnit UnitSymbol The unit of measure in which the Commodity is traded, using the standard conventions associated with the UnitSymbol enumeration.
commodityUnitMultiplier UnitMultiplier The unit multiplier, e.g. “k” to convert the unit “W-h” to “kW-h”, using the standard conventions associated with the UnitMultiplier enumeration.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
CommodityDefinition 0..* MarketProduct 1 CommodityDefinition MarketProduct
CommodityDefinition 0..* Pnode 1 CommodityDefinition Pnode
CommodityPrice 1..* CommodityDefinition 1 CommodityPrice CommodityDefinition
RTO 1 CommodityDefinition 0..* RTO CommodityDefinition