Class Description

A protective action for supporting the integrity of the power system.


Name Type Description
enabled Boolean The status of the class set by operation or by signal. Optional field that will override other status fields.
normalEnabled Boolean The default/normal value used when other active signal/values are missing.


Inherits from

Descendant classes

Leaf/Root class

IsLeaf IsRoot
False False


Source Class Cardinality Source Target Class Cardinality Target Source Name Source Assoc. Description Target Name Target Assoc. Description
ProtectionEquipment 0..1 ProtectiveAction 0..* ProtectionEquipment ProtectiveAction Protective action can emulate the action done by one or more protection equipment. In a node breaker model were protective equipment is model this association will be used.
ProtectiveAction 0..* Gate 0..1 ProtectiveActionCom For the ProtectiveAction to be activated the condition for communication needs to be met (true). GateComCondition
ProtectiveAction 0..* Gate 0..1 ProtectiveActionEnabled GateEnabledCondition Association to a Gate that through a gate logic and input pin defines enabling of the ProtectiveAction.
ProtectiveActionCollection 1 ProtectiveAction 1..* ProtectiveActionCollection ProtectiveAction Set of ProtectiveAction belonging to a ProtectiveActionCollection.